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"Bookie Buster" by Frank Belanger
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 6:57 PM | Message # 1
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
The Bankroll

The most important thing when it comes to sports betting is certainly
your bankroll. This is the money you can afford to play with. This is
the money you don’t need for anything else.

No matter what system you play, you always have to structure your
bankroll in the same way.

First, you will breakdown your entire bankroll into 4 equal blocks. This
way, you will only risk 25% of your entire bankroll and protect the rest
of your bankroll if you hit a very bad losing streak.

Now, let’s take an example:

Let’s say you have a $1000 bankroll.

So, you breakdown the $1000 into 4 X $250.

Now, you start to play a system with your first block of $250.

As soon as your first block of $250 is doubled, add it back to your total

So now you have $1000 + $250 = $1250.

All you have to do is breakdown the new total into 4 equal blocks. So
here it’s 4 X $312.50.

Than, you will be able to raise your betting unit and make more

When you have doubled you first block again, start the same process
again. Now you will have 4 blocks of $390.63.

Repeat this process again.

If you experience a long losing streak and you lose all your first block,
you just have to do the opposite. So if you lose the first $250 of your
$1000 (Total bankroll), it will leaves you with 3 X $250. So, it’s $750.

Now breakdown this $750 into 4 blocks of $187.50. You just have to
repeat the same process again. Up as you win, down as you lose.

This is probably the most important thing. This money management is
very important and very powerful. Use it to build a solid bankroll on
the long run. You have to start small and grow your bankroll. Use this
23money management with one of the 25 secret systems and you will
have a lot of success.

Message edited by MoneyFish - Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 6:57 PM
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 6:58 PM | Message # 2
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #1

The most popular kind of bet is without a doubt, flat betting. Every
Saturday night or every Monday night, an astronomic number of
people place a bet on their favorite team. Soccer, Hockey, Football, on
any sports. They just go for a 10$ bet or higher if they can afford to
do it.

They watch the game with some friends and they have a lot of fun.
Sometime they win and sometime they lose. Over a year, they win
half of their bets.

Of course, they can make some little money over this period but not a
lot of money. Like almost everybody they think that it is impossible to
make a living at sports gambling especially using flat betting.

Well, many people believe professional sports gamblers win almost all
of their bets or at least 80% of their bets to make good money. It's
understandable that people think that, but it's absolutely not true. The
fact is, the difference between the percentage of bets won by
professional sports gamblers and the percentage of bets won by
chronic losers is relatively very small.

We'll ignore money line bets here for the sake of clarity, and use only
those bets wherein the player risks 107 to win 100. We’ll use point
spreads and over/under bets.

Against this type of bet, anyone at all can expect to win 50 percent.
After all, the only thing required is to flip a coin and pick a side. The
bookmakers' profit comes from the difference between what a bettor
must risk and what a bettor expects to win.

Every time a player wins, the bookmaker withholds slightly more than
6.5 percent of the winnings ($7 for every $100 risked). Consequently,
a bettor winning only half his bets will ultimately go broke.

Professional sports gamblers, by comparison, rarely sustain a long
term winning percentage higher than 57 or 58 percent, and it's often
as low as 54 or 56 percent. People find that hard to believe, and they
understandably get even more skeptical when told that, for a genuine
professional sports gambler, a long term winning expectation of 60%
or more is actually too high and a winning rate of 65% mathematically
almost impossible to reach.

I know that it sounds crazy at first, but as crazy as it may seem there
is a simple explanation: If a bettor has five bets on a given day,
risking $107 to win $100 on each bet, and wins three of them, that's a
25great winning ratio of 60% and a net profit for the day of 86 dollars.
(The bettor wins $300 and loses $214) If another bettor has fourteen
bets on that same day, risking $107 to win $100 on each one, and
wins eight of them, that's a much poorer winning percentage of only
57%, but almost twice as much profit for the day of $158 (The bettor
wins $800 and loses $642).

The second bettor was not necessarily less skilled at picking winners
than the first bettor. The second bettor may simply have chosen to
apply all his advantages, including those which had less than a 60%
chance of winning in the first place.

If the ultimate goal is to make money, it is obvious which of those two
bettors was more successful. The real goal is, of course, to make
money. The measure of success of a sports handicapper is not his
percentage of winning bets, but the amount of profit he made over any
given period of time.

Although there are, indeed, propositions that offer more than a 60%
expectation of winning, such propositions are relatively few and far
between, and are only a very small part of the overall picture.

With the break-even point at about 51.8%, genuine professional sports
gamblers know there is no tenable excuse to pass up propositions
offering expectations of higher than, say, 55 percent. A small
advantage applied over and over is awesomely effective.

Mathematicians will confirm that a profit is more assured from a group
of 200 bets with a 55% expectation-per-bet than from a group of 50
bets with a 60% expectation-per-bet. In other words, the more bets
placed, the more predictable the outcome.

This is a fact of life of which pro sports gamblers must be familiar. It's
a basic principle of math: the more bets you are able to place, the
more likely it is that your winning percentage will be close to your

A pro sports gambler must be more concerned with profit than with
establishing a great winning percentage, and those two conditions are
not always compatible. A real pro applies all his advantages as often
as possible, not only the best of his advantages when they occasionally

The accompanying illustration (below) shows the results of different
winning percentages over different numbers of bets. Standard vigorish
charges of 4.55 percent are figured into the numbers. (The bookies'
net commission is 4.55 percent of all risked funds. Notice in the
illustration that winning 55% of 250 bets is more profitable than
winning 65% of only 50 bets, - and remember that a profit is more
26assured - that is, more dependable - because of the higher number of

Now, let’s take a look at some numbers.

The regular Joe will place a bet one bet a week on his favorite team.
The odds are at 1.93. This is of course against the spreads or for the
total over/under.

Over a year, if he wins 55% of his bets, that would be 29 bets. If he
bets $100 a game, he would end up the year with a clear profit of

29 X 1.93 X $100 = $5597 - $5200 = $397

On the other hand, the pro sports gambler will bet as much as 20
games everyday. He will bet $100 a game.

Let’s take a look at the numbers if he has a winning rate of only 53%.

20 games X 365 days = 7300 bets

53% of 7300 bets = 3869 wins

3869 wins at odds 1.93 at $100 = $746,717

$746717 – total wagered = $746,717 - $730,000 = $16,717

NET PROFIT = $16,717

After a couple of years, pro sports gamblers will bet over $5000 to
$10,000 on each game. After a couple of years, a $1000 bettor will
pocket over $167,000 a year in net profit.

Pro sports gamblers tend to have a lot of bets compared to non-
professionals. Note that winning 55% of 500 bets is actually more
profitable than winning 65% of only 50 bets.
More importantly, a bettor is more assured of achieving his expected
win percentage over a larger total number of bets, and with more bets
and smaller bet sizes, the 'ride' is much smoother, less risky, and
more predictable.

Generally speaking, non-professional sports gamblers go wrong by
risking too much of their bankroll on individual bets. They don't spread
their risk over enough bets. Professionals use smaller bet sizes in
proportion to their bankroll over larger numbers of bets.
27As a matter of fact, one good way to spot a non-pro is that he
invariably has less than a half-dozen bets per week, and he risks more
than 20 percent of his bankroll on each bet.
Ideally, you must place 8-10 bets a day, and not risk more than 2.5%
of the “first block bankroll” per bet, in order not to exceed 25% of the
net running total and to obtain optimal results.
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 6:59 PM | Message # 3
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #2 (partea 1)

Now that we’re talking about straight bets, I will show you a nice
system to use when using straight bet. This simple system will help
you to improve your winning ratio when you experience some bad

The system is very easy to use and understand. In order to make a
profit, all you have to do is to win only 2 games out of 6. Yes , that’s
right, only 33% of your bets.

Also, all your bets will be predetermined before you start a new series.
You will know exactly how much to bet on each game.

This system works better when you bet against the spread in football
and basketball simply because the amount of your bets are

So, for the purpose of the following examples, all odds will be at 1.93
(-107). You can have this low juice at However, the
regular odds at most sporstbooks are 1.90 (-110).

The System

In the 33% straight bet system, you will place a series of up to 6 bets.
You will use the predetermined amount of x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12.5x. All
you have to do is replace the X by your unit size. So, if you start with
$10, the predetermined series will looks like:

$10, $20, $40, $60, $80, $125.

You will place only one bet at a time. So, one bet a day is the
average. When you reach a profit in the series you collect your
winnings and add it to your bankroll. Then, you start another series.

How it Works

You will only need to win 1 or 2 games within the series (depending
where you are in the series) to make a profit.

Now, to clearly understand, let’s see how it works.

Let’s say the first day, you win your bet of $10. You collect your profit
and you start another series. If you lose your first bet, you will bet
$20 the second day and you will continue to bet following the
predetermined amounts in the series ( $10, $20 $40, $60, $80, $125
). You will do this until you make a profit within your 6 games.
Example 1:

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 W +$18.60 +$8.60

Session is over. Profit: +$8.60

Example 2:

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 L -$20 -$30

3 $40 W +$37.20 +$7.20

Session is over. Profit: +$7.20

Example 3:

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 L -$20 -$30

3 $40 L -$40 -$70

4 $60 W +$55.80 -$14.20

5 $80 L -$80 -$94.20

6 $125 W +$116.25 +$22.05

Session is over. Profit: +$22.05

Example 4:

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 L -$20 -$30

303 $40 L -$40 -$70

4 $60 L -$60 -$130

5 $80 W +$74.40 -$55.60

6 $125 W +$116.25 +$60.65

Session is over. Profit: +$60.65

As you can see in example #4, with only 2 wins and 4 loses (33%
winning rate), we end the series with a nice profit of $60.65.

Of course, you should understand that the main goal is to make a
profit as fast as possible and not reach the 6th
step. However, even if
sometime you reach this 6th
step, you know that you will make a good

The Rules

1) Make only one bet a day following the predetermined amount in
the series which are x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12.5x. X is your unit

2) As soon as you make a profit, collect your winning and start a
new series. That means if you win bet #1 or bet #2 or bet #3,
you make a profit and stop the session.

3) When you start to win after bet #3, follow the predetermined
amounts in the series until you show a profit. You will only need
to win 2 games within 6.

4) If you didn’t win within the first 5 games (0-5), stop the series
and accept the losses. You only have to recoup your losses and
split your remaining bankroll in 4 parts. Then, you can start a
new session with a new unit value.

In case of a losing session, the betting series is made to protect your
bankroll. If you lose a series of 5 bets, you’ll lose about 11% of your
entire bankroll. This leaves you with 89% of your bankroll.

Now, to see how it works with real result, here’s the results of a daily
free picks from a handicapping service.

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 L -$20 -$30

3 $40 L -$40 -$70

4 $60 W +$55.80 -$14.20

5 $80 L -$80 -$94.20

6 $125 W +$116.25 +$22.05

Note that after 6 bets, even if you’ve lost 4 of them (33% W/R), you’re
up $22.05. If you had made 6 straight bets of $10 each, you would be
down by -$21.40. This system has increased your profits by more
than 200%.

7 $10 W +$9.30 +$31.35

You win your first bet so, you start a new series with $10.

8 $10 W +$9.30 +$40.65

Again here, you win your first bet. So, you keep betting $10.

9 $10 L -$10 +$30.65

10 $20 L -$20 +$10.65

11 $40 W +$37.20 +$47.85

You made a profit. So, you stop the series and start another one.

Message edited by MoneyFish - Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:03 PM
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:00 PM | Message # 4
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #2 (partea 2)

As you can see, by increasing your bets methodically according to the
predetermined amounts, you save huge losses despite a 1-3 losing
streak. Adding $7.20 to your Bankroll, you’re now up $47.85

12 $10 W +$9.30 +$57.15
13 $10 L -$10 +$47.15

14 $20 W +$18.60 +$65.75

You made a profit. So, you stop the series and start another one.

15 $10 L -$10 +$55.75

16 $20 W +$18.60 +$74.35

You made a profit. So, you stop the series and start another one.

17 $10 L -$10 +$64.35

18 $20 L -$20 +$44.35

19 $40 L -$40 +$4.35

20 $60 L -$60 -$55.65

21 $80 W +$74.40 +$18.75

22 $125 W +$116.25 +$135

You end the series with a 6th
bet. Your total profit for 23 days is $135.

23 $10 L -$10 +$125

24 $20 L -$20 +$105

25 $40 L -$40 +$65

26 $60 W +$55.80 +$120.80

27 $80 L -$80 +$40.80

28 $125 W +$116.25 +$157.05

29 $10 L -$10 +$147.05

30 $20 W +$18.60 +$165.65


Even with a disappointing 13-17 finish (that is 43.3% W/R), you end
up adding $165.65 into your bankroll. If you would have use straight
bet, you would have ended with -$49.10.

Imagine how much you can win if you have a bigger Personal Betting
Bankroll to wager with, or you follow your favorite sports closely
enough to consistently pick over 50% winners.

You can also use my personal picks everyday. You just have to click
on this link:

Now, just to see how much money can be made with a better winning
rate (60%), let’s take a look at one month of my daily pick #1 in

Let’s see what a $100 bettor would have made.

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $100 L -$100 -$100

2 $200 L -$200 -$300

3 $400 W +$372 +$72

4 $100 L -$100 -$28

5 $200 L -$200 -$228

6 $400 W +$372 +$144

7 $100 W +$93 +$237

8 $100 W +$93 +$330

9 $100 L -$100 +$230

10 $200 W +$186 +$416

11 $100 W +$93 +$509

12 $100 L -$100 +$409

3413 $200 W +$186 +$595

14 $100 W +$93 +$688

15 $100 W +$93 +$781

16 $100 W +$93 +$874

17 $100 W +$93 +$967

18 $100 L -$100 +$867

19 $200 W +$186 +$1053

20 $100 W +$93 +$1146

21 $100 L -$100 +$1046

22 $200 W +$186 +$1232

23 $100 L -$100 +$1132

24 $200 W +$186 +$1318

25 $100 W +$93 +$1411

26 $100 W +$93 +$1504

27 $100 L -$100 +$1404

28 $200 L -$200 +$1204

29 $400 W +$372 +$1576

30 $100 L -$100 +$1476

As you can see, we end with a profit of $1476 for a winning rate of
60% (18-12). However, you’ll notice that with a $10 betting unit, you
would have ended with a profit of $147. Amazingly, you made more
money ($165) with a bad winning rate of only 43%.

But it’s perfectly normal. As far as you go in the series, bigger is your
profit when you win. However, with a 43% W/R, chances to hit 5 loses
in a row and lose the series are higher.


1) The 33% straight bet system is designed to show a profit when
you bet against the spread with traditional odds of 1.91 or 1.93.
However, this system can show even more profit when you bet
on moneylines (favorite or underdog).

2) If you want to use this system with the moneyline (like hockey,
baseball, soccer) and with odds different than 1.91 or 1.93,
make sure to calculate your wager to win the appropriate
amount in the series. If you bet on a team and the odds are
1.33, instead of betting $10 to win $9.30, you must bet
$28.18. [9.30 / (1.33-1)].

3) For every bet with odds lower than 1.91 or 1.93 that you lose,
you need to ad the additional losses. So, if you lost the $28.18
bet, you need to ad ($28.18 - $10 = $18.18) to the amount of
what would be your normal series. Here, the next series
amount would be $38.18 ($20 + $18.18). So, if the next odds
are 1.93, this win will not only bring back your losses but you
will make a profit.

4) If you can afford to run 2 series or more at the same time, do it!
This is how you’ll reach a nice regular monthly income with this


There is no doubt that the 33% straight bet system is a very good
system. It helps to limit your losses and turn them into profit. Again

1) Make only one bet a day following the predetermined amount in
the series which are x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12.5x. X is your unit value.

2) As soon as you make a profit, collect your winning and start a
new series. That means if you win bet #1 or bet #2 or bet #3,
you make a profit and stop the session.

3) When you start to win after bet #3, follow the predetermined
amounts in the series until you show a profit. You will only need
to win 2 games within 6.

4) If you didn’t win within the first 5 games (0-5), stop the series
and accept the losses. You only have to recoup your losses and
split your remaining bankroll in 4 parts. Then, you can start a
new session with a new unit value.

5) Every month or so, evaluate your Personal Betting Bankroll, and
increase your 4 Betting parts if you feel comfortable doing so.

Message edited by MoneyFish - Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:04 PM
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:02 PM | Message # 5
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #3 (partea 1)


Well, this system is very simple and it’s one of my favorite. I use this
system every year during the baseball season. Since I use it, I never
encountered a losing session. You’ll see how simple it is to earn a
steady weekly profit through out the baseball season.

I developed this system a couple of years ago when I was working on
some casino systems. The power of this system when applied to
sports betting is that you can choose your own games and it could be
an underdog!

Fact: The Martingale is the most popular betting system in the world.
It is also called the “doubling-up system” and can be applied to any
even money bet. When playing a casino game, the amount of the
first bet is simply doubled after each successive loss, until one wins.
After each win, the bet is reduced to its initial value and remains there
until the next loss.

When one wins, one wins one unit. For example, an 11-step
martingale would be : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 =
2047 units. That is a large amount to risk simply to win one unit !

If you use this strategy for a casino game such as roulette, craps or at
sports betting, the danger is that eventually a long string of losses will
keep increasing the amount of your bet until the table limit or the
betting limit is reached.

Yes, The Martingale is the oldest system for casino game. It is also
the most dangerous system to lose all your bankroll.

When playing an even bet, the casino has always an edge over the

Let’s look at a roulette table. Let’s see with a French Roulette table.

There is 36 numbers plus one 0 for a total of 37 number. But now, for
the purpose of this example, we will imagine a roulette table with only
36 numbers and no 0.

So, when betting on even chances like red and black, you have 50% of
chance to win your bet.

38Mathematically, in a perfect world, if you were betting on red, you
should have 18 red (win) and 18 black (lose).

Winning total = 18 units – 18 units = 0

If you use a 5 step martingale, your series would be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
units. You have to double up your betting amount every time you lose
until you reach the 5th

Let’s do some maths.

You have 1 chance out of 32 to lose your series.

½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ = 1/32

That means that you have 31 chances out of 32 to win the series and
make 1 unit.

So, usually, in a perfect world again, if you play 32 series, you will win
31 of them and make 31 units profit.

On the other hand, you will lose only one series and of course all your
5 bets for a total of ( 1+2+4+8+16) = 31 units.

Total profit = 31-31 = 0

Got it ?

This was of course without the casino edge! Now, if you ad the 0 or

This is the same thing with the juice at the sportsbook. When you play
with odds of 1.90 or –110, you will lose money on the long run with
the regular martingale.

Ok, now, here’s the good news. I’ll show you how to turn the
martingale in your favour and get an edge over the sportsbook.

What is a martingale ?

I know that you know that. A martingale is a double up system to end
a losing series with 1 unit profit. But why are we doubling up our bets
? Simply because in reality, when you use a martingale, you always
bet the sum of all your loses plus one unit.

Remember the series 1-2-4-8-16

39You bet 1 and you lose. You bet the sum of all your loses (1) plus 1.
So, the next bet is 2.

You bet 2 and you lose. You bet the sum of all your loses (1+2) plus
1. So, the next bet is 4.
You bet 4 and you lose. You bet the sum of all your loses (1+2+4)
plus 1. So, the next bet is 8.

You bet 8 and you lose. You bet the sum of all your loses (1+2+4+8)
plus 1. So, the next bet is 16.

You bet 16 and you win. Profit 16-(1+2+4+8) = 1 unit.

Do you clearly understand how works the martingale ? It is not a
double up system, it is a “total lost plus 1” system!

If you think about it, you’ll realise that you can use a martingale with
any kind of bets and odds. If you want to bet only on the Yankees at
1.50 (-200), here how it works.

You want to win $10. You place a bet of $20 (10/(1.50-1). You lose.

Your next bet is $20+$10 = $30 / (1.50-1) = $60. You lose.

Your next bet is $20+$60+$10 = $90 / (1.50-1) = $180.


As you can see, your bets will raise very fast and the risk of losing
your bankroll is bigger.

Well, the beauty of this system is that you will get an edge over the
sportsbook when betting on underdogs.

FACT: Over a complete baseball season, 44% of all the games are
won by the underdogs. Yes, it is not a misprint, 44% of all games.

If you do your homework and you select only the good underdogs, you
will easily bring this ratio to 50%. You can also pick an heavy
favourite and bet the –1.5 run line. Most of the time, these odds will
be from 2.10 (+110) to 2.85 (+185).

Like I said, if you do your homework, you will reach a 50% winning
rate. It means that you have 1 chance out of 2 to win. However, the
40odds will always be over 2.00 (+100). This is why you will win on the
long run.

The system

We will use a 8 to 10 step underdog martingale. Everyday, you’ll pick
a good underdog.

Day 1

Let’s say the odds are 2.35 and you want to make $10.

You will start a your series and bet $7.41. (10/(2.35-1)

You lose.

Message edited by MoneyFish - Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:03 PM
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:02 PM | Message # 6
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #3 (partea 2)

Day 2

The odds are 2.60

Your next bet will be the sum of all your loses plus the amount you
want to make. In our case it’s $7.41+$10 = $17.41.

The next bet will be $17.41/(2.60-1) = $10.88

You lose.

Day 3

The odds are 2.20

Your next bet will be the sum of all your loses plus $10.
$7.41+$10.88+$10 = $28.29

The next bet will be $28.29/(2.20-1) = $23.58

You lose.

Day 4

The odds are 2.75
Your next bet will be the sum of all your loses plus $10.
$7.41+$10.88+$23.58+$10 = $51.87

The next bet will be $51.87/(2.75-1) = $29.64

You win.

Total Profit: $51.87 – (the 3 bets lost $7.41+$10.88+$23.58) =

This is only one win out of 4 bets (25% W/R) and you make an easy
$10. Also, your highest bet was under $30. With a normal
martingale, your 4th
bet would have been $80.

Here’s the proof:

Now, we’ll do some maths because I want you to understand and see
how you will make money on the long run. For the purpose of this
example, we’ll assume that the odds are always 2.50 (+150) and we
always want to make $10.

Let’s see what happen on the long run with a 10 step underdog

Remember, if you do your homework, you’ll easily reach a 50%
winning rate.

Number of chance to lose the 10 steps: 1/1024 ( 0.097% )

½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½ X ½

Number of chance to win the 10 steps: 1023/1024 ( 99.90% )

You see that you have less than 1% chance of losing and more than
99% chance of winning. Now let’s put some money on the table.

With odds of 2.50 (+150 ), your amount lost will look like this:

TOTAL = $1593.34

So, if you lose your 10 step underdog martingale, you will lose

However, because you have only 1 chance out of 1024 to reach a
losing streak of 10 in a row, it means that you will win the other 1023

Mathematically, after 1024 series, you will have won 1023 X $10, for a
total of $10230 and you will have lost 1 X $1593.34.

GRAND TOTAL = $10230 - $1593.40 = +$8636.66

This is why this system work so well over the long run.

Personally, I use this system during the baseball season. I run 3
series at the same time. I never had to go over step 6 for the last 3
years. It is very cool.

Also, you’ll see than even if you don’t pick 50% winners, this system
will works very well. The winning ratio if you win at step #10 is only
10% (1-9) but you still make a profit. Remember that without doing
anything, the underdogs win 44% of the games.

The Rules

1) Select the best daily underdog.

2) Start a new series every time you win a game within the 10.

3) When you lose, always make the total of your previous loses
and ad the amount you want to win. Usually, you must keep
the same amount a along the series. If you started with $10,
keep adding $10.

4) You should always calculate the your next bet by adding all
previous loses plus the amount you want to win and calculate
your next bet with the appropriate odds. You only have to take
the total you want to make and divide it by (odds – 1). If you
want to win $100 at odds 2.45 (+145), you will have to bet

435) You can run more than 1 series at the same time if you can
afford to do it.

6) Every time you win, ad your profit to your bankroll and start a
new series with the first amount you want to win.

7) You can use this system with any underdog and with any sports.
However, it works better during the baseball season simply
because there is more than 4500 games through all the year
and baseball is the bookies worst nightmare. It is so

MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:05 PM | Message # 7
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System #4 (partea 1)

The up & down system is also a very good system for straight bet. It
is similar to the 33% straight bet system in a way that you only need
to win 36% of your bets to make a profit.

This system is very simple. You will simply follow a series of
predetermined amount. These amounts are $X, $2X, $3X, $5X, $8.5X,
$14X, $23X, $39X.

The reason why we call this the up & down system is because if you
lose your first two bets, you will start to move up or down into the
series depending if you have won or lost.

You will bet only one game a day. If you lose your first 2 bets, you
will only need to win 2 games in any 3 games stretch to make a profit
and end the series. When this goal is reached, you start another

How it works

For the purpose of this example, we’ll assume that our first bet is $10
and the odds are always 1.93 (-107).

1) First, you have to place a first bet to the predetermined amount
of $10.

2) If you win your first bet, stop the series and start another one.

3) If you lose your first bet and win the second bet with the
predetermined amount of $20 in the series, you stop and put
the profit into your bankroll. You start another series.

4) If you’ve lost your first 2 bets, you will move up 1 series amount
after each loss and down 1 series amount after each win. So if
you lose your second bet, your third bet will be for $30. If you
win your third bet, your fourth bet will be for $20. Your goal
now is to win any games within 3 games.

5) Now, you keep moving up one amount after each loss and
moving down one amount after each win until you win 2 bets
out of any 3. When you have reached this goal, you made a
profit and you start a new series with the first amount of $10.



Now, to see how it really work, let’s put some numbers to the series
and see the result. You’ll see that with a winning rate of only 40%,
you always make some good money.

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $10 L -$10 -$10

2 $20 L -$20 -$30

3 $30 W +$27.90 -$2.10

4 $20 L -$20 -$22.10

5 $30 W +$27.90 +$5.80

You see that with a poor 40% winning rate, you still make a good
profit instead of loosing money. With flat betting, you would have
made -$11.40. Not bad hey?

So, for this series, your goal is reached and you just have to start a
new series.

Now, let’s take a look at a series of 20 bets. Let’s assume a very bad
winning rate of only 35% (7-13).

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

#1 $10 L -$10 -$10

#2 $20 L -$20 -$30

#3 $30 W +$27.90 -$2.10

#4 $20 L -$20 -$22.10

#5 $30 L -$30 -$52.10

#6 $50 W +$46.50 -$5.60

#7 $30 L -$30 -$35.60

#8 $50 L -$50 -$85.60

#9 $85 W +$79.05 -$6.55

#10 $50 L -$50 -$56.55

#11 $85 L -$85 -$141.55

#12 $140 W +$130.20 -$11.35

#13 $85 L -$85 -$96.35

#14 $140 L -$140 -$236.35

#15 $230 W +$213.90 -$22.45

#16 $140 L -$140 -$162.45

#17 $230 L -$230 -$392.45

#18 $390 W +$362.70 -$29.75

#19 $230 L -$230 -$259.75

#20 $390 W +$362.70 +$102.95

It’s incredible. With only 7 wins out of 20 bets (35%), you end the
session with a profit of $102.75. With flat bet, you would be -$64.90
in the hole!

Now, I want to go further and show you how this system can be so
powerful. Let’s say you have the worst possible series of 2 wins out of
9 bets. That is a winning ratio of ONLY 22%.

Look how the system perform.

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

#1 $10 L -$10 -$10

#2 $20 L -$20 -$30

#3 $30 L -$30 -$60

#4 $50 L -$50 -$110

#5 $85 L -$85 -$195

#6 $140 L -$140 -$335

#7 $230 L -$230 -$565

#8 $390 W +$362.70 -$202.30

#9 $230 W +$213.90 +$11.60

You may say “I just made $11”, but this is great. How can you make
money with a poor winning rate of only 22%. With flat betting, you
would be at -$51.40. So, this great system will let you make a profit
even with this kind of W/R.

Ok, enough for the theory, let’s look at a real month of daily picks just
to see how this system work in the real life.
Let’s take a look a poor month of only 50% W/R (15-15) where you
would have lost money with flat betting. Now, let’s see how the
system perform.

Here’s what a $100 bettor would have made with odds at 1.93.

Day(bet#) Amount W/L Profit Net Profit

1 $100 L -$100 -$100

2 $200 L -$200 -$300

3 $300 W +$279 -$21

4 $200 L -$200 -$221

5 $300 L -$300 -$521

6 $500 W +$465 -$56

7 $300 L -$300 -$356

8 $500 W +$465 +$109

Now, you end this bad session of only 3 wins out of 8 (37.5%) with a
clear profit of +$109.

MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:05 PM | Message # 8
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System #4 (partea 2)

You start a new session with a first bet of $100.

9 $100 L -$100 +$9

10 $200 W +$186 +$195

End of session #2. Another profit of +$86 right into your bankroll.
You start a new session.

11 $100 W +$93 +$288

End of the session. You start another one.


12 $100 L -$100 +$188

13 $200 W +$186 +$374

End of the session. You start another one.

14 $100 L -$100 +$274

15 $200 W +$186 +$460

End of the session. After 2 weeks of play, you’ve already made

16 $100 L -$100 +$360

17 $200 L -$200 +$160

18 $300 L -$300 -$140

19 $500 W +$465 +$325

20 $300 W +$279 +$604

End of the session. You start another one with a $100 bet.

21 $100 L -$100 +$504

22 $200 W +$186 +$690

End of the session. You start another one.

23 $100 L -$100 +$590

24 $200 W +$186 +$776

End of the session. You start another one.

25 $100 W +$93 +$869

26 $100 W +$93 +$962

End of the session. You start another one.

27 $100 L -$100 +$862

28 $200 W +$186 +$1048

End of the session. You start another one.

29 $100 W +$93 +$1141

End of the session. You start another one.

30 $100 L -$100 +$1041

At the end of the month, you have made a net profit of +$1041 with a
low winning rate of only 50%. Usually, with flat betting, you would be
at -$105. That’s the beauty of this system.


1) First, you have to place a first bet to the predetermined amount.
These amounts are $X, $2X, $3X, $5X, $8.5X, $14X, $23X, 39X.

2) If you win your first bet, stop the series and start another one.

3) If you lose your first bet and win the second bet with the
predetermined amount of $2X in the series, you stop and put the
profit into your bankroll. You start another series.

4) If you’ve lost your first 2 bets, you will move up 1 series amount
after each loss and down 1 series amount after each win. So if
you lose your second bet, your third bet will be for $3X. If you
win your third bet, your fourth bet will be for $2X. Your goal
now is to win any games within 3 games.


5) Now, you keep moving up one amount after each loss and
moving down one amount after each win until you win 2 bets out
of any 3. When you have reached this goal, you made a profit
and you start a new series with the first amount of $10.

As you can see in the examples, you are guaranteed to turn a small
profit while hitting just 36% winners and you can make a really good
profit with a very realistic 50% winning rate.

Remember one thing. Even the best Las Vegas handicapper has bad
streaks, so, believe me, you’ll have some over a long period.
However, the up and down straight bet system protects your bankroll
from big loses even when you go with a bad W/R of 36%.

Please note that if you hit a very bad losing streak of 8 loses in a row,
you won’t make any profit and you’ll lose money. I’m talking about
this disappointing scenario in the interest of full disclosure. Even
though I can guarantee you’ll make a profit with a low W/R of 36%
with this System, it isn’t going to turn long-term bad picks into cash.
Almost no Program can. Only the unbeatable system can and I’ll show
you how it works later.

However, if you do your homework or if you use my daily picks
(because I do my homework!), you will beat the sportsbooks every

MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:07 PM | Message # 9
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System #5

This is a betting system that constantly have shown a steady profit for

The goal of the system is to win just one parlay in an ten bet series.
This is only a 10% winning rate. So, if you can pick a winner within 10
picks (or more if you have a bigger bankroll or you use underdogs),
you make a profit.

First of all, stay away from parlay of more than 2 games. The more
games you have in your parlay, the lower will be the payout
proportionally to your bet. This is normal and this is how the
sportsbooks are making their money.

Lets take a look at the chart for odds of –107 (1.93)

2 Teams - odds are 3-1 - Pays 2.74

3 Teams - odds are 7-1 - Pays 6.24

4 Teams - odds are 15-1 - Pays 13.01

5 Teams - odds are 31-1 - Pays 26.10

6 Teams - odds are 63-1 - Pays 51.42

So, keep it simple and safe: ALWAYS USE A 2 TEAM PARLAY.

Who are you going to bet on ? Well, 2 strong underdogs whose payout
is big or 2 money line favorite with reasonable odds.


I can’t tell you exactly what bankroll you need because the odds are
changing everyday. But I think that a bankroll of 100 units would be

The bet will be calculated with the odds offer by the bookmakers.

The formula is: B = (TL+P) / ((GAME 1 X GAME 2) - 1)

B = Your bet
53TL= Total lost
P= Profit you want to make
GAME 1= Odds for game 1 (International odds)
GAME 2= Odds for game 2 (International odds)

Step 1

Decide the amount you want to win.

Let’s say you want to make $25 on day 1 and the odds for the 2
games are –120 (1.83) and +110 (2.10)

B= (0 + 25) / ((1.83 X 2.10) – 1) = $8.79

Your first bet is $8.79 for the parlay.

If you win, you make $25 profit. $8.79 X 1.83 X 2.1 - $8.79 = $25

You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 2

Step 2

Let’s say the odds for the 2 games are –140 (1.71) and +105 (2.05)

B = ($8.79 + $25 ) / ((1.71 X 2.05) – 1) = $13.46

Your next bet is $13.46

If you win, you make $25 profit. $13.46 x 1.71 X 2.05 – ($13.46 +
$8.79) = $25

You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 3

Step 3

Let’s say the odds for day 3 are +120 (2.20) and –105 (1.95)

B = ($8.79 + $13.46 + $25 ) / ((2.20 X 1.95 ) – 1) = $14.36

Your next bet is $14.36

If you win, you make $25 profit. $14.36 X 2.20 X 1.95 –
($14.36+$13.46+$8.79) = $25

54You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 4

Step 4

Continue the progression using the betting formula until you hit a
parlay. When you’ll hit a parlay, you’ll make a profit.

Remember the rules to follow:

1- Using the betting formula, make a 2 team parlay.

2- If you lose your first parlay, make another 2 team parlay using
the betting formula. Continue to make 2 team parlay until you
win one 2 team parlay.

3- If you win the first parlay, start another series at step 1

4- When you hit a parlay anywhere in the series, you’ll make a

5- If you lose, continue the series up to 10 bets and even more if
you can afford.

I highly recommend this system. I use it everyday with my daily picks
and it works very well. I only have to hit just one parlay in the series
to show a good profit. I love that!

Here’s an example

For the purpose of this example, we will assume that we’re betting a 2
team parlay against the spread in basketball or football. The odds will
always be 3.86 (2 X 1.93 (-107)).


1 8.75 L -8.75

2 11.80 L -20.55

3 15.93 L -36.48

4 21.50 L -57.98

5 29.01 L -86.99

556 39.15 L -126.14

7 52.85 L -178.99

8 71.33 L -250.32

9 96.27 L -346.59

10 129.93 W +25

You finish your 10 days of betting with only one win out of 10. A
winning ratio of only 10% and you make a profit of $25. Remember, it
was with odds of 1.93. Now imagine with odds of 2.50 for each team
during the baseball season.

With a bankroll of 100 units, you can resist a losing streak of at least
25 games in a row. Not to bad!


1) Keep on betting as long as your bankroll allow it to. If you
experience a long losing streak without hitting your win to close
the series and you have lost near 50% of your bankroll, maybe
you should accept the lose and start a new series from the

2) In order to have the best success, use your 2 best picks of the
day for your parlay.

3) If you have a big bankroll, you can run more series at the same


This powerful betting system allow you to make a good profit even if
you have winning rate as low as 4% during the baseball season if you
use underdogs. You have to do your homework but you will make a
good profit.

This system can be used with any sports and with any kind of bets.
You just have to calculate the odds with the provided formula.

Again there are the rules to follow:

561- Using the betting formula, make a 2 team parlay.

2- If you lose your first parlay, make another 2 team parlay using
the betting formula. Continue to make 2 team parlay until you
win one 2 team parlay.

3- If you win the first parlay, start another series at step 1

4- When you hit a parlay anywhere in the series, you’ll make a

If you lose, continue the series up to 10 bets and even more if you can
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:07 PM | Message # 10
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System #6

The stress free parlay system is a very funny and powerful system.
This system is also used by pro gamblers because on the long run, it
produce very great results.

Why is this a stress free system ? Because you will be able to place
your bets on a particular game and no matter which team wins, there
would be a very high probability for you to make a profit. This will
eliminate any stress you may have when you bet on your favorite
team to win.

Here, I’m not talking about the kind of system where you place a bet
on opposite team at different sportsbooks and where you are
guarantee to win. I’m talking about a system where you’ll place your
bets at the same sportsbook.

Now, you may ask, is it possible ?

Well, I will show you this little known secret system right now!

First, this system produce best results during the baseball season. Of
course, you can use it with any kind of sports where you have the
possibility to bet on the money lines and against the spread.

Personally, I use this system during the MLB season and I always have
a lot of success. So, here we go…

First, let's first observe a few MLB games. Let's take a look at today's
games and lines as displayed at Canbet – For the purpose of this
example, we will ignore the listed pitchers and the over/under prop.

Wednesday, June 9

Chicago Cubs St Louis Cardinals
1.65 2.40
-1.5 2.40 +1.5 1.62

Toronto Blue Jays Los Angeles Dodgers
1.76 2.22
-1.5 2.55 +1.5 1.56

Boston Red Sox San Diego Padres
1.74 2.26
-1.5 2.40 +1.5 1.62


New York Yankees Colorado Rockies
1.42 3.15
-1.5 1.80 +1.5 2.09

Baltimore Orioles Arizona Diamondbacks
1.74 2.25
-1.5 2.55 +1.5 1.56

Cleveland Indians Florida Marlins
2.02 1.89
+1.5 1.64 -1.5 2.35

Detroit Tigers Atlanta Braves
2.20 1.77
+1.5 1.69 -1.5 2.25

Tampa Bay Devil Rays San Francisco Giants
2.80 1.50
+1.5 2.17 -1.5 1.74

Chicago White Sox Philadelphia Phillies
1.87 2.05
-1.5 2.70 +1.5 1.51

Minnesota Twins New York Mets
1.75 2.22
-1.5 2.55 +1.5 1.56

Seattle Mariners Houston Astros
1.85 2.07
-1.5 2.75 +1.5 1.49

Oakland Athletics Cincinnati Reds
1.68 2.31
-1.5 2.40 +1.5 1.62

Anaheim Angels Milwaukee Brewers
1.59 2.55
-1.5 2.25 +1.5 1.69

Let's take a look at the odds of the first game: St Louis Cards vs
Chicago Cubs

If you pick the favorite Chicago, you are risking 100 to win 65, as the
line is 1.65 on the action or listed bet. If you pick the underdog St
Louis Cards, you are risking 100 to make 140, as the line is 2.40.
59Let's see what happens if you bet one unit on both sides. If Chicago
wins, you lose 35, as you win 65 from that bet and lose the 100 on St
Louis. If St Louis wins, you make 140 on that bet and lose 100 on
Chicago and you end up in a win of 40.

You see that Chicago is a favorite, it has a 1.65 line. However, if you
take a look at the run line type of bet, Chicago's line becomes 2.40. It
suddenly becomes an underdog. The issue is that Chicago has to win
with a point spread of 2 for the run line to win.
So now if you place one unit on the underdog St Louis with a 2.40 line
and one unit on Chicago's run line with a 2.40 line, you will make a
profit, no matter which team wins. Let’s say you place 100 on each
side. If St Louis wins, you make 40 and if Chicago wins you make 40.
If you place $1000 on each side, if St Louis wins, you make $400 and
if Chicago wins, you make $400. The only catch is that if Chicago
wins, it has to cover the 1.5 spread
The only time you would be losing 2 units on such a bet is if Chicago
wins with only 1 point spread. It may happen, but with low
What you need to do is to check statistics on past games and
determine a percentage of such a thing happening. If this occurs less
than 10% of the time, then this method will be a long run winner. If
not, you may end up losing 2 units too often, which will override your
multiple wins of 0.2 to 0.6 units.
You could use today's results as a little test.
What you would be looking for is opportunities to bet on both sides of
a game, provided the run line of a favorite becomes an underdog
versus the already underdog team.
Here’s the game you should be able to play for today:

1) Chicago run line –1.5 at 2.40 vs St Louis at 2.40

2) Toronto run line –1.5 at 2.55 vs Los Angeles at 2.22

3) Boston Red Sox run line –1.5 at 2.40 vs San Diego at 2.26

Note that the game between Colorado Rockies vs New York Yankees
is not an opportunity as the run line of the favorite NY 1.42 is still a
favorite 1.80. Again, you're looking for a favorite to become a dog,
when you bet it as a run line bet. This is also not the case with the

60- Tampa Bay Devil Rays vs San Francisco Giants

4) Baltimore run line –1.5 at 2.55 vs Arizona at 2.25

5) Florida run line –1.5 at 2.35 vs Cleveland at 2.02

6) Atlanta run line –1.5 at 2.25 vs Detroit at 2.20

7) Chicago WS run line –1.5 at 2.70 vs Philadelphia at 2.05

8) Minnesota run line –1.5 at 2.55 vs New York Mets at 2.22

9) Seattle run line –1.5 at 2.75 vs Houston at 2.07

10) Oakland run line –1.5 at 2.40 vs Cincinnati at 2.31

11) Anaheim run line –1.5 at 2.25 vs Milwaukee at 2.55

So, for today, we have 11 opportunities, out of which 6 (nos. 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 11) are designated to be good ones, as the smallest amount to
be won is .20 units and 2 very good ones (nos. 1 and 10), as the
smallest amount to be won is .31 units.
Take no. 10 for instance. You bet $100 on Oakland and $100 on
Cincinnati. Now, you sit back, watch the game totally relaxed as you
don't care which side wins. If Cincinnati wins you cash $31. If
Oakland wins, you cash $40, provided Oakland wins with more than
1.5 spread.
OK, want to see the results for the day…just for fun of course!!!

1) Chicago run line –1.5 at 2.40 (4) vs St Louis at 2.40 (12) +$40

2) Toronto run line –1.5 at 2.55 (4) vs Los Angeles at 2.22 (0)

3) Boston Red Sox run line –1.5 at 2.40 (1) vs San Diego at 2.26
(8) +$26

4) Baltimore run line –1.5 at 2.55 (8) vs Arizona at 2.25 (2)

5) Florida run line –1.5 at 2.35 (1) vs Cleveland at 2.02 (8) +$2

6) Atlanta run line –1.5 at 2.25 (2) vs Detroit at 2.20 (4) +$20

7) Chicago WS run line –1.5 at 2.70 (10) vs Philadelphia at 2.05
(13) +$5
8) Minnesota run line –1.5 at 2.55 (5) vs New York Mets at 2.22
(3) + $55

9) Seattle run line –1.5 at 2.75 (0) vs Houston at 2.07 (3) +$7

10) Oakland run line –1.5 at 2.40 (17) vs Cincinnati at 2.31 (8)

11) Anaheim run line –1.5 at 2.25 (2) vs Milwaukee at 2.55 (12)

If you had placed your bets on all 11 opportunities, you would have
made $360 profit. This is of course with $100 betting units.
Had you selected only the good and the very good ones as
recommended, you would have ended up with a profit of $346.
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:08 PM | Message # 11
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System #7

This system is a bit different than any other system you may have
seen. If fact, this system was initially created for the slot machine. It
has been modified to use at sports betting with great success.

The particularity of this system is that you can play for a couple of
years without losing a single session. Yes, the progression is very low
but it keeps your bankroll safe.

The concept is very simple. You will use 4 predetermined series which
include another predetermined number of bets in each series.

Here’s the series:

X = Your starting bet

Level #1 X – X – X – X – X – X – X (7 Bets )

Level #2 2X – 2X – 2X – 2X – 2X – 2X (6 Bets)

Level #3 4X – 4X – 4X – 4X – 4X (5 Bets)

Level #4 6X – 6X – 6X – 6X (4 Bets)

So, if your starting bet is $10, the 4 series will look like this:

Level #1 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10

Level #2 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20

Level #3 40 – 40 – 40 – 40 – 40

Level #4 60 – 60 – 60 – 60

Now, here’s how work the 4 series.

As you can see, the first series is:

X – X – X – X – X – X – X

In order to use the series, your first bet will be your starting bet. If
it’s $10, you bet $10. If you win your bet, you pocket the profit and
you start a new series always at level #1.

63If you lose the first bet, you move to the second bet of the series
which is again $10.

X – X – X – X – X – X – X

You should always keep on betting the same amount ($10) until you
show a profit or you lose the entire series. You lost the series if your
down by 7 units.

In our example, if you lose the series, you will be down by $70.

If you lose the entire series #1, you start betting for series #2. So,
for series #2, your bets will be for $20.

20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20

You keep on betting 2X ($20 here) until you show a profit of at least
$70. This is the amount you lost at level #1. When you reach this,
you go back to level one and start a new series at level one of course.

If you lose the entire series #2, you will move to series #3 and start
betting the amount of series #3.

4X – 4X – 4X – 4X – 4X

The main goal of this system is to always win back the loses from the
previous series.

So, if you lost the first 2 series, your goal, when playing series #3 is to
win back the loses from series #2. In series #2, you lost a total of
$120. So, your goal is to win back this $120 in series #3.

As soon as you won back the $120, you move down to series #2 and
start playing it until you win back the loses from series #1 which is

When your playing this system, you will always move up and down the
levels. However, the beauty of the system is that when you recover
the loses from a previous series, you will always make a small profit.
So, as long as you move up and down the 4 levels, you will always
make some money.

This system is really a long term winner. It is for the sports gamblers
who wants to keep their bankroll safe even with a long losing streak.

Now, here a little example to show you how it works with real results.


1 10 L -10 -10

2 10 L -10 -20

3 10 L -10 -30

4 10 W +9.30 -20.70

5 10 L -10 -30.70

6 10 L -10 -40.70

7 10 L -10 -50.70

8 10 W +9.30 -41.40

9 10 L -10 -51.40

10 10 L -10 -61.40

11 10 L -10 -71.40

Now, at this point, your down $71.40, so you start betting with level
#2. You will bet $20. You will do this until you have recovered from
loses from level 1 or if you lose the entire series #2.

You lose the entire level #2 if the total lost is over $191.40. Why
191.40 ?

Simple. You’ve already lost $71.40 with level #1 and level #2 is made
of 6 X $20. That is $120. So if your total lost is over ($71.40 + $120
= $191.40) than you will have lost the first 2 levels and you move to
level #3.

12 20 L -20 -91.40

13 20 L -20 -111.40

14 20 W +18.60 -92.80

15 20 L -20 -102.80

16 20 L -20 -122.80

6517 20 W +18.60 -104.20

18 20 L -20 -124.20

19 20 L -20 -144.20

20 20 L -20 -164.20

21 20 L -20 -184.20

22 20 W +18.60 -165.60

23 20 W +18.60 -147.00

24 20 L -20 -167.00

25 20 L -20 -187.00

26 20 L -20 -207.00

Here, you’ve lost the entire level #1 and level #2. So, you move down
one level and you start betting $40. You will do this until you have
recovered from loses from level 2 or if you lose the entire series #3.

You lose the entire level #3 if the total lost is over $407. Why $407 ?

Simple. You’ve already lost $207 with level #1 and level #2 and level
#3 is made of 5 X $40. That is $200. So if your total lost is over
($207 + $200 = $407) than you will have lost the first 3 levels and
you move to level #4.

You will have recovered from level #2 when your total lost is less than
$71.40. That mean you will have won back $135.60 (207-71.40), the
amount lost at level #2.

27 40 W +37.20 -169.80

28 40 L -40 -209.80

29 40 W +37.20 -172.60

30 40 W +37.20 -135.40

31 40 W +37.20 -98.20

32 40 L -40 -138.20

6633 40 W +37.20 -101.00

34 40 L -40 -141.00

35 40 W +37.20 -103.80

36 40 W +37.20 -66.60

Now you will move down one level because you have recovered the
loses from level #2. You will than play level #2 until you make a profit
or until you lose the entire level #2. It will be if your total lost is over
$186.60 (66.60+120).

37 20 L -20 -86.60

38 20 W +18.60 -68.00

39 20 W +18.60 -49.40

40 20 L -20 -69.40

41 20 L -20 -89.40

42 20 W +18.60 -70.80

43 20 W +18.60 -52.20

44 20 L -20 -72.20

45 20 W +18.60 -53.60

46 20 W +18.60 -35.00

47 20 W +18.60 -16.40

48 20 L -20 -36.40

49 20 W +18.60 -17.80

50 20 L -20 -37.80

51 20 W +18.60 -19.20

52 20 W +18.60 -0.60

53 20 L -20 -20.60

54 20 W +18.60 -2.00
6755 20 W +18.60 +16.60

As you can see, you end with a profit of +$16.60 even if you
experienced a low winning rate of only 45.5% and a very bad losing
streak at the beginning. This system is very slow but it is very safe.

When you’ve made a good profit, you can increase you betting unit in
each of the 4 series.


Level #1 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20 – 20

Level #2 40 – 40 – 40 – 40 – 40 – 40

Level #3 80 – 80 – 80 – 80 – 80

Level #4 120 – 120 – 120 – 120

Use the same process as explained.
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:09 PM | Message # 12
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System #8 (partea 1)

The magic of this system is that you only need to win 36% of your bet
( 1/3 ) to make a profit. You can select your own game or you can
find free picks from a lot of handicappers online. Reaching a 50%
winning rate is very easy with good free picks. Go to Google and
search for “Free Picks”. You’ll find a lot of handicappers who are
offering daily free picks.

Ok, Now the system.

First, you need to know how to calculate your bet. So the formula is

Let’s say you want to bet $50 at 2.20. $50 / (2.20-1) = $50 / 1.20 =
You need to bet $41.66 to win $50. $41.66 X 2.20 = $91.66 – $41.66
= $50

The system is very simple. When you lose a game, you will always bet
the total of your last two bets.

Let’s see what happen with a 37.5% winning rate and a $50 first bet.


Day 1

Write down the $50 you want to make.

The odds are 1.91

You bet $54.95 to win $50

You lose.

Write down the $54.95 bet next to the $50 you had written down.

It should look like this.

$50 + $54.95

Day 2

The odds are 2.15

Your next bet is the total of the last two bets (assuming that $50 was
a bet) / (2.15 – 1). So it’s $104.95 / 1.15 = $91.26
You should bet $91.26

You lose.

Write down the $91.26 bet next to the previous two bets. Now it looks
like this.

$50 + $54.95 + $91.26

Day 3

The odds are 1.83

Your next bet is the total of the last two bets / (1.83 – 1). So it’s
$146.21 / 0.83 = $176.16

You should bet $176.16

You lose.

Write down the $176.16 bet next to the previous three bets. Now it
looks like this.

$50 + $54.95 + $91.26 + $176.16

Day 4

The odds are 2.10

Your next bet is the total of the last two bets / (2.10 – 1). So it’s
$267.42 / 1.10 = $243.11

You should bet $243.11

You win.

Cross out the last two bets you have written down. You do this (cross
out the last two bets) only after a win. That leaves you with the $50
bet and the $54.95 bet. Now it looks like this.

$50 + $54.95 + $91.26 + $176.16

Day 5

The odds are 1.99

Your next bet is the total of the two bets we have written down / (1.99
– 1). So in our case it’s $104.95 / 0.99 = $106.01
Your next bet should be $106.01

You lose.

Write down this bet next to the previous two bets. It looks like this.

$50 + $54.95 + $106.01

Day 6

The odds are 1.75

Your next bet is the total of the last two bets / (1.75 – 1). So it’s
$160.96 / 0.75 = $214.61

Your bet should be $214.61

You lose.

Write down this bet next to the previous three bets.

$50 + $54.95 + $106.01 + 214.61

Day 7

The odds are 2.45

Your next bet is the total of the last two bets / (2.45 – 1). So it’s
$320.62 / 1.45 = $221.12.

Your bet should be $221.12.

You win.

Cross out these two bets. That leaves us with…

$50 + $54.95 + $106.01 + $214.61

Day 8

The odds are 1.90

Your next bet is the total of the two remaining bets / (1.90 – 1). So
it’s $104.95 / 0.90 = $116.61

You should bet $116.61

You win.
The session is over. You have recovered from all your loses and made
a $50 profit.

You won 3 bet and lost 5 bets. Winning rate: 37.5%

Now, here’s a simulation of a real year of betting with a 50% winning
rate. 50% winning rate is just like flipping a coin. This is a simulation
showing 4 months (120 days) of betting.

In this simulation, we’ll assume that the odds are always –110 (1.91).
Sometimes the odds are higher and sometimes odds are lower. So –
110 (1.91) is a realistic average.

Remember, 50% winning rates is easy to achieve because if you flip a
coin, this is the W/R you’ll get on the long run.

Let’s say you start with a $2500 bankroll and your first bet is $50.

Day Win/Lose Bet Amount Cash Net
--- ----------- ------------- ------ ----

1 w $55 $50 $2550

2 L $55 -$55 $2495

3 L $115 -$115 $2380

4 w $187 $170 $2550

5 L $55 -$55 $2495

6 w $115 $105 $2600

7 w $55 $50 $2650

8 L $55 -$55 $2595

9 L $115 -$115 $2480

10 w $187 $170 $2650

11 L $55 -$50 $2600

12 w $115 $105 $2705

13 w $55 $50 $2755

7214 L $55 -$55 $2700

15 w $115 $105 $2805

16 L $55 -$55 $2750

17 L $115 -$115 $2635

18 w $187 $170 $2805

19 L $55 -$55 $2750

20 w $115 $105 $2855

21 w $55 $50 $2905

22 L $55 -$55 $2850

23 L $115 -$115 $2735

24 L $187 -$187 $2548

25 w $332 $302 $2850

26 w $115 $105 $2955

27 L $55 -$55 $2900

28 L $115 -$115 $2785

29 w $187 $170 $2955

30 w $55 $50 $3005

After 30 days, with only one bet a day, you’ve made an easy $500

MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:10 PM | Message # 13
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System #8 (partea 2)

31 w $55 $50 $3055

32 L $55 -$55 $3000

33 L $115 -$115 $2885

34 w $187 $170 $3055

35 L $55 -$55 $3000

7336 w $115 $105 $3105

37 L $55 -$55 $3050

38 w $115 $105 $3155

39 w $55 $50 $3205

40 L $55 -$55 $3150

41 w $115 $105 $3255

42 L $55 -$55 $3200

43 L $115 -$115 $3085

44 L $187 -$187 $2898

45 L $332 -$332 $2566

46 w $571 $519 $3085

47 w $187 $170 $3255

48 w $55 $50 $3305

49 L $55 -$55 $3250

50 L $115 -$115 $3135

51 L $187 -$187 $2948

52 w $332 $302 $3250

53 w $115 $105 $3355

54 w $55 $50 $3405

55 L $55 -$55 $3350

56 w $115 $105 $3455

57 w $55 $50 $3505

58 L $55 -$55 $3450

59 w $115 $105 $3555

60 L $55 -$55 $3500
After 2 months, you’ve made $1000 profit.

Now let’s look at the next month with a very bad W/R of 43.3% and
some bad losing streaks

61 L $55 -$55 $3445

62 w $115 $105 $3550

63 w $55 $50 $3600

64 L $55 -$55 $3545

65 L $115 -$115 $3430

66 L $187 -$187 $3243

67 w $332 $302 $3545

68 L $115 -$115 $3430

69 L $187 -$187 $3243

70 w $332 $302 $3545

71 L $115 -$115 $3430

72 w $187 $170 $3600

73 L $55 -$55 $3545

74 L $115 -$115 $3430

75 L $187 -$187 $3243

76 L $332 -$332 $2911

77 L $571 -$571 $2340

78 w $993 $903 $3243

79 w $332 $302 $3545

80 L $115 -$115 $3430

81 w $187 $170 $3600

7582 w $55 $50 $3650

83 w $55 $50 $3700

84 L $55 -$55 $3645

85 L $115 -$115 $3530

86 L $187 -$187 $3343

87 w $332 $302 $3645

88 w $115 $105 $3750

89 L $55 -$55 $3695

90 w $115 $105 $3800

Now, you see that even with a poor W/R of 43.3%, you’ve made a
profit of $300. Not bad. With flat betting, you would have lost

Let’s take a look now at a better month. Lets see if you hit 56%
winning rate.

91 w $55 $50 $3850

92 L $55 -$55 $3795

93 w $115 $105 $3900

94 L $55 -$55$ $3845

95 w $115 $105 $3950

96 w $55 $50 $4000

97 w $55 $50 $4050

98 w $55 $50 $4100

99 w $55 $50 $4150

100 L $55 -$55$ $4095

101 L $115 -$115 $3980

76102 L $187 -$187 $3793

103 w $332 $302 $4095

104 w $115 $105 $4200

105 L $55 -$55 $4145

106 L $115 -$115 $4030

107 w $187 $170 $4200

108 L $55 -$55 $4145

109 L $115 -$115 $4030

110 w $187 $170 $4200

111 w $55 $50 $4250

112 w $55 $50 $4300

113 w $55 $50 $4350

114 L $55 -$55 $4295

115 L $115 -$115 $4180

116 w $187 $170 $4350

117 L $55 -$55 $4295

118 L $115 -$115 $4180

119 w $187 $170 $4350

120 w $55 -$50 $4400

You can see that after 4 months, with a winning rate of 50%, a bad
month, some losing streak, you’ve made $1900 in pure profit.

Now, as soon as you doubled you bankroll ($5000 here), you start
your session with a target of $100. That means a bet of $110 at odds
–110 (1.91).

You will be able to make an easy $1000 a month.

77If you reach a point where your bet size is too high for you and you
are reluctant to do so, then split your bet into two equal numbers or
into 3 equal numbers, by writing them down and bet on the sum of the
first two numbers. This will extend a bit the time of the end of the run,
but will avoid reaching a bet size that is too high for you.

MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:11 PM | Message # 14
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System #9

This system is almost the same system as the parlay system.
However, there is a little difference with system #9. In fact, you will
make more money with this parlay system simply because you’ll add a
specific amount after each lost. Usually, this amount is the target you
want to make.

The goal of the system is the that the other parlay. It’s to win just one
parlay in a ten bet series. This is only a 10% winning rate. So, if you
can pick a winner within 10 picks (or more if you have a bigger
bankroll or you use underdogs), you make a profit.

First of all, stay away from parlay of more than 2 games. The more
games you have in your parlay, the lower will be the payout
proportionally to your bet. This is normal and this is how the
sportsbooks are making their money.

Lets take a look at the chart for odds of –107 (1.93)

2 Teams - odds are 3-1 - Pays 2.74

3 Teams - odds are 7-1 - Pays 6.24

4 Teams - odds are 15-1 - Pays 13.01

5 Teams - odds are 31-1 - Pays 26.10

6 Teams - odds are 63-1 - Pays 51.42

So, keep it simple and safe: ALWAYS USE A 2 TEAM PARLAY.

Who are you going to bet on ? Well, 2 strong underdogs whose payout
is big or 2 money line favorite with reasonable odds.

Now, I will explain exactly how the formula works with any kind of
odds. It could be underdogs or favourite. If you want to bet with the
money line and different odds, you will need to understand and use
this formula. It’s a little bit more work but it works very well.

However, if you bet on football or basketball using the spreads and all
your odds are at 1.93 (-107), I will give you later, a series of 10
predetermined amount that you will be able to use very easily.

79For the moment, let’s see how that formula works.

The bet will be calculated with the odds offer by the bookmakers.

The formula is: B = (TL+(NB X P)) / ((GAME 1 X GAME 2) - 1)

B = Your bet
TL= Total lost
P= Profit you want to make
GAME 1= Odds for game 1 (International odds)
GAME 2= Odds for game 2 (International odds)
NB= Number of bet

As you can see, we add a new part to the formula which is NB X P.
That mean every time you calculate your new bet, you will add a new

The result will be that you bet will be higher but when you win, you
win a lot more money. The later you win, the more money you make!

Step 1

Decide the amount you want to win.

Let’s say you want to make $25 on day 1 and the odds for the 2
games are –120 (1.83) and +110 (2.10)

B= (0 + 25) / ((1.83 X 2.10) – 1) = $8.79

Your first bet is $8.79 for the parlay.

If you win, you make $25 profit. $8.79 X 1.83 X 2.1 - $8.79 = $25

You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 2

Step 2

Let’s say the odds for the 2 games are –140 (1.71) and +105 (2.05)

Now, you ad NB X P to the formula. NB is 2 because you’re at the
second bet and P is your initial target of $25.

B = ($8.79 + $50 ) / ((1.71 X 2.05) – 1) = $23.42

Your next bet is $23.42
If you win, you make $50 profit. $23.42 x 1.71 X 2.05 – ($23.42 +
$8.79) = $50

You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 3

Step 3

Let’s say the odds for day 3 are +120 (2.20) and –105 (1.95)

Now, you ad NB X P to the formula. NB is 3 because you’re at the
third bet and P is your initial target of $25.

B = ($8.79 + $23.42 + $75 ) / ((2.20 X 1.95 ) – 1) = $32.59

Your next bet is $32.59

If you win, you make $75 profit. $32.59 X 2.20 X 1.95 –
($32.59+$23.42+$8.79) = $75

You go to step 1

If you lose, you go to step 4

Step 4

Continue the progression using the betting formula until you hit a
parlay. When you’ll hit a parlay, you’ll make a really good profit.

Remember the rules to follow:

1- Using the betting formula, make a 2 team parlay.

2- If you lose your first parlay, make another 2 team parlay using
the betting formula. Continue to make 2 team parlay until you
win one 2 team parlay.

3- If you win the first parlay, start another series at step 1

4- When you hit a parlay anywhere in the series, you’ll make a very
good profit.

5- If you lose, continue the series up to 10 bets and even more if
you can afford.

I highly recommend this system. I use it everyday with my daily picks
and it works very well. I only have to hit just one parlay in the series
to show a good profit. I love that!

Predetermined amount

If you want to bet against the spread, here the predetermined amount
you need to use for a 10 bet series.

The amounts are:

Bet 1=0.368A

Bet 2=0.871A

Bet 3=1.558A

Bet 4=2.5A

Bet 5=3.786A

Bet 6=5.545A

Bet 7=7.951A

Bet 8=11.242A

Bet 9=15.743A

Bet 10=21.898A

A is the first amount you want to win.

Here’s an example

For the purpose of this example, we will assume that we’re betting a 2
team parlay against the spread in basketball or football. The odds will
always be 3.72 (1.93 X 1.93 (-107)).

We’ll also assume that we want to make $10 as our first parlay.


1 3.68 L -3.68 +10

822 8.71 L -12.39 +20

3 15.58 L -31.65 +30

4 25 L -52.97 +40

5 37.86 L -90.83 +50

6 55.45 L -146.28 +60

7 79.51 L -225.79 +70

8 112.42 L -338.21 +80

9 157.43 L -495.64 +90

10 218.98 W +100 +100

You finish your 10 days of betting with only one win out of 10. A
winning ratio of only 10% and you make a profit of $100. Remember,
it was with odds of 1.93. Now imagine with odds of 2.50 for each
team during the baseball season.


1) Keep on betting as long as your bankroll allow it to. If you
experience a long losing streak without hitting your win to close
the series and you have lost near 50% of your bankroll, maybe
you should accept the lose and start a new series from the

2) In order to have the best success, use your 2 best picks of the
day for your parlay.

3) If you have a big bankroll, you can run more series at the same


This powerful betting system allow you to make a good profit even if
you have winning rate as low as 4% during the baseball season if you
use underdogs. You have to do your homework but you will make a
good profit.

83This system can be used with any sports and with any kind of bets.
You just have to calculate the odds with the provided formula.

Again there are the rules to follow:

1- Using the betting formula, make a 2 team parlay.

2- If you lose your first parlay, make another 2 team parlay using
the betting formula. Continue to make 2 team parlay until you
win one 2 team parlay.

3- If you win the first parlay, start another series at step 1

4- When you hit a parlay anywhere in the series, you’ll make a

If you lose, continue the series up to 10 bets and even more if
you can afford.
MoneyFishDate: Tuesday, 2009-10-13, 7:12 PM | Message # 15
Group: Checked
Messages: 99
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
System #10

This system is another system where we’ll use parlay. In fact this
system is a combination of parlay and straight bet. It is also called
“The Reverse System”. This system is designed to be used for football
and basketball when you bet against the spreads and when the odds
are always 1.91 (-110) or 1.93 (-107).

You can play this system with 3 to 6 games a day. The beauty of this
system is that even if you have a bad day, you can still make money.

As example, if you bet on 3 games a day with flat betting, you need to
win at least 2 games to make money. But with this system, even with
a poor record of 0-3, you’ll make money. The only way you can lose
money is only if you go 1-2 (1 win out of 3). In any other situation,
you’ll come ahead.

Ok, here’s how it work.

The system is the same for 3, 4, 5, 6 or games. What you will do is
simply bet 3 units on each team you think will win. Than, you will also
bet 2 units on a parlay with the other 3 teams.

Got it ?

Ok, here’s how the parlay pays at odds 1.93 (-107)

2 Teams Pays 3.74
3 Teams Pays 7.24
4 Teams Pays 14.01
5 Teams Pays 27.10
6 Teams Pays 52.42

Now, if you go with a 3 team parlay, you will bet 3 units on each team
you think will win and 2 units on a reverse parlays with the 3 other

3 units at odds 1.93 on team #1

3 units at odds 1.93 on team #2

3 units at odds 1.93 on team #3

2 units at odds 6.24 on the 3 other teams

85If you win your 3 games

That means you win 3 games at 3 units X 1.93 and you lose 2 units on
your parlay. So this is:

2.79 + 2.79 + 2.79 – 2 = +6.37 units

If you win 2 games out of 3

That means you win 2 games at 3 units X 1.93 and you lose 3 units on
the third game and 2 units on your parlay. So this is:

2.79 + 2.79 – 3 – 2 = +0.58 unit

If you win 1 game out of 3

That means you win 1 game at 3 X 1.93 and you lose 3 units on 2
games and 2 units on your parlay. So this is:

2.79 – 3 – 3 – 2 = -5.21 units

If you lose your 3 games

That means you lose 3 units on 3 games and you win your 2 units
parlay. So this is:

12.48 – 3 – 3 – 3 = +3.48 units

As you know, your chance to hit 2 games out of 3 are better at sports
betting than for any casino game. If you do your homework, you can
hit 2 out of 3 very often. And if you have a very bad day and you go
0-3, you’ll still make a profit.

Of course if you hit the perfection, 3 on 3, you make a good profit.

Remember, if you do your homework or if you use a good
handicapper, you’ll hit 2/3 most often than 1/3.

Now, here’s the charts about what you can expect to win with different

863 team parlay

3 wins +6.37

2 wins +0.58

1 win -5.21

0 win +3.48

4 team parlay

4 wins +9.16

3 wins +3.37

2 wins -2.42

1 win -8.21

0 win +14.02

5 team parlay

5 wins +11.95

4 wins +6.16

3 wins +0.37

2 wins -5.42

1 win -11.21

0 win +37.20

6 team parlay

6 wins +14.74

5 wins +8.95

874 wins +3.16

3 wins -2.63

2 wins -8.42

1 win -14.21

0 win +84.84


Remember that this system is the same for 3, 4, 5, 6 or games. You
will simply bet 3 units on each team you think will win. Also, you will
bet 2 units on a parlay with the 3 other teams.

Like I said before, if you do your homework, you’ll hit 2-1 very often
and if you hit 0-3 on a bad day, than bingo, you make money!

Good luck with this system.
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